Have you ever stopped to think about the things we consider “normal” or common practices but are actually quite messed up? It’s surprising how many aspects of our daily lives fall into this category. Recently, a Reddit user named RetR0-Danger sparked a thought-provoking discussion by asking, “What is something that is widely normalized but is actually really Fuxxed up?” The responses poured in, painting a picture of society’s acceptance of practices that might not be as innocent as they seem. Let’s delve into some of these unsettling yet normalized behaviors:
Popsicles need to say that the following ideas and sub comments have been directly taken from the comments on Reddit, and we give all credit and due respect to each contributor. However, to protect their privacy, we won’t mention their names here.
“Zero expectations of privacy. We’re all expected to behave like we could be recorded at any time and we wonder why everyone has anxiety now.”

- “i found 8 photos of myself online in odd sitting positions with people making fun of me in the comments, nobody asked permission, i’m autistic so my movements are a bit weird, i fuxxing hate it”
“Poor care of “beginner” pets like goldfish, hamsters, leopard geckos etc”

- “the fact that one betta fish requires at least a 5 gallon tank is the reason i didn’t get one as a pet in college… i’m so glad i researched that because i realized how horribly bettas are treated. and people don’t care because they’re fish”
“Getting puppies for Christmas just to rehome them a couple of months later (i.e. dump them at shelters).”

“Zero tolerance in schools. Protects the bully and harms the innocent.”
- “Yeah, my school suspended a kid because a person punched him. The puncher got suspended as well, but the kicker is that he didn’t fight back.”

“Parents posting their children’s entire lives on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok and treating them as accessories instead of people. Imagine the horror stories we’ll probably hear from these ‘kidfluencers’ in 10–20 years’ time.”
- “My cousin does this. Every day, she posts her kids just going about their regular day. Nobody cares. Give the kids some privacy.”

“Having to pay for vision and dental insurance in addition to health insurance. Last time I checked, your eyeballs and teeth were part of your body and should be considered under medical insurance.”

“Working 40+ hours a week to make enough money to still be in poverty.”

“Working yourself to death.”

- “The Japanese have a term called ‘karoshi’ which offers incentives to widows from ‘death by overwork.'”
“Phone use while behind the wheel. Every trip out is a death roulette game. I see someone nearly drift into my lane all the time.”

“The amount of sugar we consume and give our kids.”

“Trying to guilt the consumer into thinking that they are the ones who can really make a difference with recycling, when 98% of all waste is industrial, retail, and restaurant, and none of them are big on recycling if they do it at all.”

“The amount of plastic we use. It’s absolutely insane.”

“Delivery drivers and waitresses having their wages determined by customers and not their employers. AKA living off of tips while employers don’t pay enough.”

“This is coming from my (a woman’s) point of view, but being expected to spend hundreds of dollars on someone else’s wedding. Between buying the dress, nails, makeup, hair, shoes, bridal shower gift, bachelorette party, wedding gift, time off of work, etc., it’s just a lot!! I understand you are celebrating someone you are close with, but today people can barely afford to pay their bills!!! So, a shoutout to the people who want all of these extravagant things for their weddings and are willing to cover all of the cost of said things!!”

“Restaurants and grocery stores throwing away mass quantities of good, edible food and not being allowed to donate it.”

“The cost of medical coverage in the US. The insurance, copays, deductibles you have to meet — all of it. It’s so insane how much it costs to even have a baby in the US.”

“Child beauty pageants.”

“Having toddlers scroll TikTok so they shut up. Hell, every human under 12 shouldn’t be anywhere near.”

“Worshipping politicians.”

These examples barely scratch the surface of the deeply ingrained issues within our society. It’s time to challenge these norms and strive for a more compassionate and equitable world.
Good luck changing anything in the super rich world! They don’t care at all about the MASSES! ( look out for THE MASSES!) we’re gettin pissed off!
These practices are what they use to normalize an action or reaction! It’s the way slippery politicians work. And the rich.
#6 and also your ears. It is All about making Money. Think about it, we don’t try to cure but treat the illnesses. There is more money in giving you a pill that take care of your headache but then you have to take another pill to compensate for the side effects. If you have cancer, why Radiation? You will be living miserable after the treatment (so many said effects). Do your own research, most doctors, clinics/hospitals won’t recommend what they don’t have. If they only have Radiation, they won’t recommend Proton Therapy, even if it means that you won’t have side effects….. There is more money in Radiation because you will be a patient for life and be dependent on medications the rest of your life