We all are bound in obsession to pretend ourselves as perfect to the society. Most of the time each of us tries to hide or modify our imperfections. However, we heard an interesting about a beautiful soul which embrace with imperfections instead hiding from society.
Dakota Cooke, a 30-year-old young lady, noticed something unusual on her face at age of 13 years old. Little fuzz on her face on her face starts to grow as gray fuzz and evolved in to a glorious beard. Cooke didn’t get upset on her condition first. Even though it was uncomfortable to her family members and it was painful her to deal with.
Some family friends were asked from her parents as, “What’s going on with Dakota, she’s got about as much facial hair as I did in high school,”. Because of that, parent tried to send her to hair removal sessions. As per Cook, it hearts her than the facial hair.
At her earl twenties, she used to get prepare herself to love her own and self-acceptance. Even it was not an easy task, her family and close friends were there to help.
This young lady gives a message to the people who succumb to their insecurities. The world is a better place to everyone. Do not focus on your insecurities and suffer. Get surrounded with the people who support on you, accept yourself and love yourself. Everything would be ok.